Yeah, I sometimes just share too much information, like i'm about to do. Probably, maybe, who knows, anyway, here goes:
So I'm almost 17 weeks prego and still on "take it easy" mode. I'm also unfortunately, still on pelvic rest for at least 2 more weeks. I tried to be a little more active on Saturday night and ended up bleeding, so my pelvic rest has been extended for 2 more weeks. Ugh! It's already been a month! Seriously. I left church early on Sunday because I had a hot flash that left me feeling week and with cold sweats. I needed to lie down, so Gary took me home and after laying down for about 2 hours and 2 grilled cheese sandwiches- I felt better.
Side note, I'm up 20 lbs from last pregnancy (old news), but have only gained an additional 5 lbs or so this pregnancy, so that's good. I know that water weight is coming though. I'm not looking forward to the swelling the summer will bring- although maybe it won't be too bad if I'm still have to be in rest mode for the rest of the pregnancy.
My stomach still is bothering me, so I am not doing too much, but I feel a little lazy this way. It's for the baby and it's only temporary. I went to a ward activity on Saturday with the fam, and that seemed fine. I sat most of the time, and it was nice to just get out of the house.
One good thing about having complications in pregnancy is the increased number of ultrasounds I will get to have, and since I'm 17 weeks, by the time we get the next one, we should know gender. (please be a boy, please be a boy, come on Skyler M. Bailey)
What else? I think my girls are getting better about letting me rest, and at the same time getting restless about me needing rest. They aren't listening as well as normal, and that's frustrating. Scarlett has started talking a lot more this last week, and that is exciting. Van is getting better about his schedule and has started sleeping through the night again ( a couple times in the last week, whew!).
So, my birthday is on Friday, and my husband has given me 4 pairs of new shoes. I love them, and am wondering if I am getting too many pairs of shoes, but I have to admit that I am still on the lookout for some knee-high, black stiletto boots. (size 8, if you please :) We are going to go to Melting Pot for the first time and dine in fondue heaven. There is one present that I'm not getting yet, but I'm hoping that it will be coming. It's the one thing I really really really want cuz it'd be awesome for me and good for someone else. Cryptic, cryptic, eh?
Lastly, I can't wait to get botox and some fillers someday. I just thought I'd throw that one in there.
This post seems very unorganized and just info that is thrown out there, but there it is. Sometimes, that's just how my brain works. muah!
Monday, April 19, 2010
Monday, April 5, 2010
My Hiatus
I've lost my camera, so I don't have any pics to post right now, but I am pretty much back from my hiatus. I found out I was pregnant and after you find out you're pregnant, but aren't ready to announce it- that is pretty much all that's on your mind: hence my not writing anything at all. I am going to be 15 weeks on Thursday, so am over my hump-that's good. i am still not "out of the woods" yet, however. This pregnancy has experienced cramping and then the usual morning sickness and difficulty during the time I have to be on my meds (make me tired and dizzy), but I also have a subchorionic hematoma. In Layman's terms- I have a hole where my uterus/placenta has pulled away from the uterine wall. It puts me at a higher danger for miscarriage and I seem to be going between bedrest and semi-bedrest until this things resolves itself and it may or may not. I have no doubt that we'll have this baby; I just don't know when (full term?) and how painful/inconvenient/scary/frustrating the rest of this pregnancy will be. It is hard to take it easy and not lift up the kids to much and not do much housework, but I'm trying to be very good about listening to my body. My husband is also my own personal superman, having picked up the slack like a pro (as much as he can, we still have crazy laundry and the house is in disarray). He has been cooking and lifting and feeding and changing and bathing everyone so I don't have to do it, and that is so nice. Some girlfriends have been so awesome to take the kids a few days so I could rest and some have come over while gary is in school, brought me snacks (they were so good: reese's puffs, sweedish fish, gum, sourpatch kids, grapes and this morning greek food!), and my mom has been able to come up to help at night while gary is in school. It has been so much help, and this just all started on the 18th.
We had to go to the emergency room because I thought I was miscarrying. There was so much blood and cramping and the like. After 7 hours in the emergency- baby was fine with heartbeat and movement and I was on bedrest for about a week. We had a repeat occurrence on March 29th with the same amounts of blood and cramping, and 6 hours at ER with baby still doing okay and me on bedrest again. It seems like it takes about 5 days for all the pain and bleeding stuff to subside and then I get to be on semi-bedrest. This last episode was more painful than the first complete with labor pains around 3am the next night. I hope that doesn't mean it will keep up that pattern. My OB told me I can "putter" around and try not to be lifting. He knows I have 3 kids and b/c of them a complete bedrest is pretty much impossible. He also said that I may keep having episodes or it may resolve on its own. Wait and See. Wait and See.
Throughout this ordeal everyone keeps telling me that there is nothing to be done to prevent a miscarriage or fix anything, and that it is all "wait and see." After prayer and blessings, I feel confident of our having this baby, but I truly think this next 6 months is going to be very long.
On a lighter note (HA), I didn't lose the last 20 lbs from last pregnancy but I've only gained about 2 lbs this pregnancy (which counts as 22 in my book). I'm trying to maybe gain less than 20 since I'm starting out heavier. I view this as a pipe dream however, because the majority of my pregnancy will be in the summer, and I tend to take on water weight and swell when it's hot. I think that by September 30th, I will be a very fat, swollen, uncomfortable, yet still happily pregnant woman. We are anticipating being induced because I don't want to take a chance on having to have a natural childbirth again. My last labor was about 2 hours from 1st cramp to baby in arms, and I'm afraid if we go into labor by ourselves it will be too quick for me to get drugs. I really really need drugs. Last time was a nightmare that I still cringe over.....
We had to go to the emergency room because I thought I was miscarrying. There was so much blood and cramping and the like. After 7 hours in the emergency- baby was fine with heartbeat and movement and I was on bedrest for about a week. We had a repeat occurrence on March 29th with the same amounts of blood and cramping, and 6 hours at ER with baby still doing okay and me on bedrest again. It seems like it takes about 5 days for all the pain and bleeding stuff to subside and then I get to be on semi-bedrest. This last episode was more painful than the first complete with labor pains around 3am the next night. I hope that doesn't mean it will keep up that pattern. My OB told me I can "putter" around and try not to be lifting. He knows I have 3 kids and b/c of them a complete bedrest is pretty much impossible. He also said that I may keep having episodes or it may resolve on its own. Wait and See. Wait and See.
Throughout this ordeal everyone keeps telling me that there is nothing to be done to prevent a miscarriage or fix anything, and that it is all "wait and see." After prayer and blessings, I feel confident of our having this baby, but I truly think this next 6 months is going to be very long.
On a lighter note (HA), I didn't lose the last 20 lbs from last pregnancy but I've only gained about 2 lbs this pregnancy (which counts as 22 in my book). I'm trying to maybe gain less than 20 since I'm starting out heavier. I view this as a pipe dream however, because the majority of my pregnancy will be in the summer, and I tend to take on water weight and swell when it's hot. I think that by September 30th, I will be a very fat, swollen, uncomfortable, yet still happily pregnant woman. We are anticipating being induced because I don't want to take a chance on having to have a natural childbirth again. My last labor was about 2 hours from 1st cramp to baby in arms, and I'm afraid if we go into labor by ourselves it will be too quick for me to get drugs. I really really need drugs. Last time was a nightmare that I still cringe over.....
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