Yeah, not really. I got a random email from an ex-boyfriend of mine today. It was a relationship that I ended and was definitely not going to pursue. He had an anger problem that I wasn't going to let him fix on me. In addition to that Gary was getting off of his mission, and he was my first priority to explore that option, so it was perfect timing to end my previous relationship. It ended kinda badly. He told me some things that affected me and even further cemented my decision to break up with him. (I had always told every boyfriend that Gary was a possibility when he got home from his mission- I was up front about that from the start). Anyway, so I got this message today from him today saying how he'd had things on his mind for about 10 years and that he was sorry about how he had acted and that he was embarrassed and that he had been childish and was embarrassed about that. He said that I had been a good friend to him. Anyway, he also told me about things that he said to me that weren't true, so I'm guessing now that he said them to hurt me because I was hurting him by leaving him. It sure threw me for a loop getting that message, but reflecting back now, I'm glad to know that some of those things weren't true that he said, and also that he knows he acted badly. Maybe that makes him a better person today for knowing that about himself from so long ago. It also makes me wonder if it had really been plaguing him, cuz that would suck for him. I just keep thinking that I have been so blissfully happy with Gary and that once I broke up with the other guy I never looked back. Part of me feels vindicated and part of me just feels sad for him. But all in all, it was still kind of a cool message to get. Thought I'd share.
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