It's definitely another. I think that trials are AWESOME-just not when you are going through them. When it rains it pours right, but maybe we should quit standing in the rain and let Jesus hold the umbrella to shield us a little bit. It'll still be raining but at least you won't be hit so hard and it's not nearly as bad being in the rain if you have an umbrella, right? My goal is to give more of the junk to Jesus. I just found out about some money we're going to have to use to fix some stuff, and where is that going to come from? Seriously! We can't refinance, sooooo where do you pull extra extra extra money from? Beats me, but I'm trying my darnedest to put my trust in the Lord on this one. He's gonna take care of us and He had to know this was gonna happen and He still said he'd take care of us, so I just gotta have a little faith.
I don't want to be poor. I don't want to be paycheck to paycheck. I don't want to live in a trailer or eat mac-n-cheese for dinner, but honestly if worse comes to worse in our lives here on the earth- I find solace in knowing it's only temporary and after we die that's when we get our true reward anyway. I don't think it'll get that bad, but if it ever did at least I have an awesome family and my faith in God will carry me through anything- if you'll only let it. So quit getting drenched and get under Jesus' umbrella-he's holding it whether you want to use it or not. So whatcha gonna do?
Gigs For President
1 week ago
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