I have tried working out at home, but it just doesn't work for me. I need weights. I also don't like to mess up my carpet. I've thought about getting one of those plastic chair mats for office chairs. I can't jump rope or do jumping jacks on my carpet or run in place because I am determined that it will ruin my carpet. I am a gym rat. I love to work out at the gym. I love the environment, equipment, amenities, but also at the gym lives one of my....pet peeves.
It seems there are several types of women who work out at the gym:
1. the fat women who belong there and are at least showing up to try to make a difference. They come in sweats and a t-shirt or just whatever they can throw together. I don't see these there very often , but I do respect them.
2. the women who aren't fit yet, but they definitely aren't fat either, they have gotten off their butts and are in a habit of working out again, but just haven't reached their goals yet. They wear a whole myriad of work out gear or sweats or whatever.
3. There are the in-shape hottie women who show up to workout; they are in maintenance mode and have their hair up and work out and go home. (and those of us who are still in the fatty mode or at least in the only 20lbs to go mode use them for motivation)
and then there are my pet peeves:
4. These are the ladies who are hottie bodies with super cute (or just super skimpy) clothes with perfect makeup and their hair is blow dryed, flat-ironed, and DOWN! They go through the motions and show up to be admired but not to work (that is my personal opinion and in my experience is completely on point)
These ladies drive me crazy. I always wonder, what is the point? They makeup is fresh, which I try to excuse by thinking MAYBE they came straight from work so it just happens to still be on from the day (except that it's fresh). What it really comes down to is the hair. Cute clothes? fine. Makeup? excusable under certain circumstances. Hair fixed, flat ironed and down? What could possibly make that okay? If you are going to work out then put your flippin' hair up. Seriously! If you came to show off your figure and get some hookups-ummm go to the club. It drives me INSANE. Women get all in a tiffy about men hitting on them at the gym and then they pull these kind of stunts. What do you expect? If you have your cute workout clothes on and your hair up and you are actually working out and then you get hit on- I think that's completely different- you can't help your cuteness and the guy's brashness. The other women-Flat Iron Flaunters who are only their for show-well I wish they'd just stay home or at the store, or just about anywhere else and let me work without their taking up space and equipment that could actually be used by someone else who wants to work it- on the equipment.
Thanks for the Rant.
p.s. I have no problem with personal trainers having fresh makeup and doing their hair however they want. It's their job and they are selling their services and need to look their best-including hair and makeup-although personally I just scope out their own body to see how well they do their job. If your hair dresser has bad hair, turn around and walk out the door, and if a trainer is not in shape and then some-don't bother.
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hey! I randomly just found your blog...hope it okay? I so wish i could go to the gym with you, i'd rather run outside but that is just sooo not possible right now, read a few posts back on my blog, anywho i read your blog about your milk drying up, call me when you have a chance and i maybe, might be able to help? i just went through something similar and with help, got my milk back up to full force-and i was down to only like 1/2 an ounce! even had to supplement with formula once...just call!