we are about to leave for the hospital for me to be induced! it's strange waking up with no contractions and my water not having broken to go have a baby, especially since i was having some great sleep. oh well. hopefully sooner than later we'll have a new baby, although i will be exhausted again and as usual. i'm praying i don't have to be on pitocin long, and we can get this "show on the road". on my last check from the doctor i was at 1 1/2 and 25% effaced. we'll see what they say in a few hours. i have at least since then lost my mucous plug and have had some more braxton hicks, so i hope that means i'm progressing even further. i can't believe i'm awake.
the nurse said to bring pillows and blankets and only 2 people can be in the room with me at one time. HA! that's easy enough. it will be me and mamma lee.
that's it for now, just waiting for trish to get here so we can leave my other 3 precious kids, to go bring us another one. when i showed hazel skyler's "take home outfit" she asked if he was really gonna be that tiny. i think it made it a little more real for her, and it was cute.
Gigs For President
1 week ago
good luck! i can't wait to meet him :)